[EBOOK] 항공우주 및 방위산업을 위한 성공적인 MBSE(Model Based Systems Engineering) 구현

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[EBOOK] 항공우주 및 방위산업을 위한 성공적인 MBSE(Model Based Systems Engineering) 구현 무료로 제공되는 Siemens 특별 에디션인 ‘초보자를 위한 MBSE’ 가이드북은 비행기와 같이 매우 복잡한 항공 및 방산 제품의 설계, 개발, 생산 및 지속적인 유지 관리 시의 복잡성을 활용하여 체계적이고 강력하며 민첩한 프로세스를 구현하는 방법을 설명합니다.모델 기반 시스템즈 엔지니어링(MBSE) 프로세스를 활용해 제품 개발 주기를 25~30% 단축하고 비용을 […]

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Go Beyond Remote-Access VPN

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Go Beyond Remote-Access VPN Protect mobile workforces with Prisma™ Access Secure remote users without compromise Remote access VPN has been an enterprise network staple for years. However, as enterprises rapidly adopt more cloud applications, their security and networking needs are changing fundamentally. With the continued growth of mobile workfor

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Lenovo + NVIDIA® eBook: Revolutionizing Retail and Restaurant Operations with Edge AI

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Lenovo + NVIDIA® eBook: Revolutionizing Retail and Restaurant Operations with Edge AI Decision-makers in the retail and restaurant industries strive to accelerate innovation and better address today’s complex customer demands. Thankfully, Lenovo and NVIDIA® empower organizations to meet these imperatives by enabling them to operate with edge

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